Yoga Asanas and Mindful Movement for Ultimate well-being

Today’s lifestyle is both a blessing and a curse to mankind. Our lives have become easy with the help of machines but at the same time, we have invited lifestyle-related illnesses because of our addiction to remote control and a couch. The human race has become physically inactive and hence we are now more prone to illnesses like blood pressure, Obesity, Diabetes, High cholesterol. Temptations to eat junk unhealthy processed foods have increased due to continuous bombardment of advertisements on television and at the same time, physical activity has decreased. Unhealthy eating habits combined with a lack of physical exercise overly stressed, and stimulated mind is a fertile ground for lifestyle-related illnesses. The irony is that our brains are constantly stimulated by electronics and never get rest while our bodies are constantly resting and never getting exercise.

The secret to moving is to start working out and never stop. Keep on moving. A body in motion stays in motion. Once you start and make it a habit, you would never want to stop because of the benefits you will experience. Don’t let Sedentary distractions stop you from keep moving. Use muscles instead of machines to perform physical tasks. Play outdoor games with children and spend quality time with them instead of letting them spend more time on electronic devices. Use smartwatch or apps on your smartphone to motivate you. Set a goal of completing 10000 steps in a day or completing 60 minutes of HIIT or going for yoga asana or a swim or workout class at your local gym.

Physical exercise has several benefits. It reduces stress, improves sleep, boosts mood, strengthens and tones muscles, promotes healthy immune system, improves metabolism and digestion, reduces obesity, balances blood sugar, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, improves brain function, improves cardiovascular health, improves our ability to focus, improves cognitive functions and increases resting metabolic rate. In short, it facilitates wellness and keeps your body in optimal condition.

This does not mean that you need to exercise to the point of exhaustion or to workout for 3-4 hours a day. As per Ayurveda, exercise is supposed to energize you, make you feel refreshed, and prepare you for the next activity. As everyone is unique, it is important to identify the right type of exercise which will suit your body type. The one from which you will benefit the most as per your Dosha and body type.

According to Ayurveda, there are 3 main Dosha types. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Feel free to contact me and schedule your consultation to determine your body type.

Vata types are naturally energetic and hyperactive. They are like grasshoppers or hummingbirds. They can hardly sit still but at the same time, they get tired easily. They love heavy cardio which will pump their heart rate up but this can cause more Vata imbalance. If they over-exercise they will get cramps, feel dizzy and exhausted. Vata type people will benefit from grounding exercises like Walking, Short hikes, Tai Chi, Restorative yoga asanas, Light bicycling, strength building, and toning with light or medium weights. These activities will help them to stay grounded and also develop strength, balance, and tone. In winter, they must find indoor workout activities because cold and dry weather will imbalance the Vata.

Pitta types are intense and focused. They are natural athletes. They love to compete and love to win. They are naturally strong and agile. They have good stamina and love to work their muscles. They love boxing, boot camps, HIIT, etc but they need to be careful because they easily get injured. Also due to their competitive nature, they can get stressed easily and become out of balance. People with Pitta imbalance will benefit the most from swimming, jogging, brisk walks, skiing, biking, outdoor activities, Pilates, Yoga asanas. Make sure to take breaks and keep 2 days a week for rest. Use meditation, abhyanga (self-massage) and other calming activities to stay calm and grounded.

Kapha types are strong. They have a steady flow of energy and great physical strength. They would excel at endurance sports or any aerobic activities but they actually hate to workout. They are more sedentary by nature and getting up to exercise might feel like torture to them but at the same time, once they start the exercise, they enjoy the workouts because it stimulates their mind and body. Sweat is the best medicine for Kapha types. Kapha’s naturally store fat and sweat is the natural enemy of their fat. Any exercise which will help them sweat will clear Kapha congestion and sluggishness. They would benefit highly from brisk walking, Zumba, dancing, running, rowing, HIIT, Kickbox cardio, Hot yoga asanas, weight training, and Barre class. Aerobic activities that will increase heart rates are more beneficial for Kapha types and at the same time, just strength training will not help them much.

All these 3 body types can benefit from Yoga asanas as there are many different types of yoga asanas from gentle, restorative, and grounding to vigorous and sweaty. Nowadays chair yoga asanas and water yoga asanas are also available for people who have physical challenges.

What is yoga asana?

Yoga asana is not just a physical exercise but it is a form of mindful movement which improves physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by bringing harmony between mind and body. It is both an Art and Science. It is an exercise for both the mind and the body. A set of poses or asanas combined with specific breathing techniques, pranayama, and meditation are building blocks of Yoga asanas. As mentioned above there are different types of yoga practices (asanas) based on your Dosha type.

The benefits of regular yoga practice are numerous. Yoga asanas improve overall posture, improve joint health, strengthen bones and tone muscles, improve back pain, improve balance, strengthen the spine, reduce stress and calm the mind, improve sleep, improve digestion, improve mood, and decrease anxiety and PTSD.

Wishing you all a long healthy, happy, and happening life. Feel free to contact, if you want to improve your well-being.