Eating clean on a budget

A clean diet or eating clean is a buzzword these days and it might become difficult for many of us with rising inflation to shop for clean organic produce and stay within our budget. Maybe you’ve heard someone raving about their clean-eating diet at the gym, or you’ve seen a co-worker faithfully unpacking her “clean” lunch while you are heading out the office door to grab your fast-food fix.

We all are already busy juggling work, family, and other responsibilities, it can become overwhelming when we have to juggle our finances to buy clean produce and make fresh meals when it is easy to opt for less expensive fast food that can save your time too. But clean eating should not feel like a chore. With proper planning, you too can save time and money even when you are shopping for clean produce and also cooking meals at home.

In its most basic terms, eating clean means focusing on picking fresh, natural pranic foods. It is a lifestyle change and also a change in perspective as a clean diet will help you save time, money, and energy on a long-term basis. A clean diet means better health and less time and money spent on doctor visits. Hence I encourage you to choose wholesome ingredients for your meals and snacks so that you can nourish your body, mind, and soul as fast foods are mostly processed and full of preservatives, sugar, artificial colors, and other chemicals that eventually cause havoc in your body messing up with your health.

While this might seem overwhelming, here are simple tricks and tips you can use to get on the path of eating clean for a more healthy lifestyle.

Stay hydrated and make water your new best friend.

Become committed to healthy diet changes and commit to opting for water instead of soda or a mocha latte. You will stay healthy and save money with this switch. Also instead of spending money on bottled water invest in a good quality water treatment system and carry your water from home. You will save money on a longer run and save planet. Anyways, research has proven that quality of bottled water is worst then tap water and plastic bottles also carry carsinogens in form of micro plastics. My favorite water treatment system is eSpring water purifier. Not only does having water on hand help you stay hydrated during the day, but for clean eaters, it serves another purpose: it keeps you from drinking something sweet when you’re thirsty because if you’ve got your water bottle within reach, you’ll think twice about forking over a few dollars for a sugary soda or Starbucks caffe latte when you can easily refill your water bottle.

Meal planning for clean eating

Sometimes we feel meal planning is a time-consuming and boring chore but once you start planning your meals, you will realize that it not only saves time but also helps you stay focused on your goal of clean eating right from your own kitchen.

Every Saturday, plan the menu for the coming week. Keep a diary if needed and then on Sunday, you can shop for groceries to make sure you’ve got the groceries on hand you’ll need to plan your nutritious breakfasts, lunch, and dinner. Stock up your pantry with oatmeal, whole wheat bread, nut butter, eggs, vegetables, and fruit. You can also stock up on almond milk or coconut milk for smoothies. There are so many healthy easy-to-prepare options for clean home-cooked meals that can help you save money and time both. Think salads with fresh dressings, and hearty homemade soups and sandwiches. Dinner planning can be simple, too. Lean meats can pair with your favorite vegetables, with whole grains like quinoa or brown rice.

Feel free to visit the recipe section and claim your free membership for wholesome nutritious recipes.

Keep clean-eating snacks handy

Just like taking a water bottle from home, you can keep a few healthy snack options with you in your bag or office desk. You can take a bag of dried fruits, nuts, or a healthy snack bar with you so that you don’t have to spend money on unhealthy snacks from the vending machine. An extra piece of fresh fruit or a bag of air-popped popcorn are great grab-and-go snacks for your purse or even to keep in your car. These little extras will keep you from running to the nearest vending machine or corner convenience store when you’re hungry.

Don’t throw away the leftovers.

When you’re cooking something delicious, leftovers are always a welcome treat. This is the best way to save time and money. Leftovers from the dinners can be packed for lunch the next day.

Shop local and buy only as much as your need.

There is a saying “Proper planning prevents poor performance”. Locally grown produce that is in season is less expensive and more nutritious. Exotic fruit or vegetable can be more expensive because of the added cost of transportation and supply chain overheads. And fruit or vegetable that is not in season is not only more expensive but also loses nutritional value as it is sitting in cold storage for a long time.

Avoid wastage

Also, plan properly and do not shop more than needed. Fresh produce can get spoiled quickly so making a grocery list and sticking to it is a great idea. To reduce wastage, buy frozen fruits and vegetables instead of fresh ones. Do not shop more than required. Meal planning will help you save money because you will know how much you need before you go shopping. Avoid impulse purchases and stick to your grocery list.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to ensure you’re eating clean on a budget. With just a few simple tweaks to your daily routine, you’ll find success on the path to a healthier lifestyle. Hungry for more? Claim your free session today.