Detox: Simple steps to healthy mind and body

Detoxification is the process by which we can remove the toxins from our body. As I have mentioned in the past, our body is highly intelligent and has a natural ability to heal itself but the problem is we come in its way.

Due to our current fast and stressful lifestyle, our body and mind are in a constant state of stress and hence we experience chronic inflammation which results in lifestyle-related illnesses.

Don’t get me wrong but modern medicine does not have answers to diseases related to chronic inflammation or diseases occurring due to poor lifestyle choices. Whenever I see an advertisement for any prescription drug, it has more side effects than benefits. The height of insanity is that the side effect of an antidepressant drug is an increase in suicidal thoughts. It is highly saddening that modern medicine has no knowledge about the food industry while the food industry does not care about our health. There is a huge disconnection between the two.

As modern medicine has failed us in several ways, several doctors are turning to functional medicine or integrative medicine for answers. Ayurveda is an important component of integrative medicine. Ayurveda is the world’s most sophisticated mind-body health system developed thousands of years prior to modern medicine by the sages of India. Ayurveda is the science of life and instead of just treating symptoms of any illness, it addresses the root cause of the illness. It focuses on improving the health of mind, body, spirit, and environment so that we can experience our fullest potential by achieving a state of optimal well-being.

According to Ayurveda, the majority of lifestyle-related illnesses are due to chronic inflammation and accumulation of toxins in our body produced by our poor lifestyle choices. If we have a healthy metabolism, our body will produce vital energy (Ojas) from whatever we consume through our five senses. When our body is not able to properly metabolize the food we eat, liquids we intake and the experiences we encounter it produces toxins (Ama). Toxins are created in our body due to several reasons like poor diet, consumption of junk food full of artificial colors, preservatives, artificial flavors and chemicals, consumption of sugar and unhealthy fats, consumption of processed food, lack of sleep, synthetic chemicals, poorly digested food, environmental stress and fatigue, pollution, anxiety, negativity, etc. ( Click here to learn more about how to have a healthy metabolism.)

The best way to get rid of toxins accumulated in our body is through detoxification. Fortunately, our body is highly capable of getting rid of accumulated toxins on a daily basis but we always get in its way by our reckless lifestyle. The body gets rid of toxins through sweat, urine, and stool but we overload our system with processed food, overeating, alcohol, and substance abuse and we reduce our body’s capacity to heal itself.

Here are a few tips on how to facilitate daily detoxification: -

  • Early Autumn and Early spring are the perfect time to do gentle detox so that you can reset your metabolism. You can use herbs like Triphala for a gentle detox. Also starting your day with the juice of half a lemon in warm water helps to detox your system. Fasting or liquid diet or juice detox can also help. Khichdi or moong bean soup is an ideal food for detox.

  • Use Tongue scraper and oil pulling first thing in the morning. This is the most effective way to get rid of toxins from your tongue and mouth.

  • Consume a lot of leafy green fibrous vegetables. Include greens like mustard greens, spinach, dandelion greens, Arugula, Lettuce, Spinach, etc. in your diet which has a mildly bitter flavor. The fiber, water, bitter taste, and nutrients in leafy green vegetables stimulate detoxification and digestion.

  • Try dry skin brushing and oil massage. These techniques will help to increase the circulation of the lymphatic system. Many toxins are in our lymphatic system and with the help of dry brushing and Abhyanga (Oil Massage), we can get rid of these toxins.

  • Increase water consumption and stay hydrated. Water will help your body get rid of toxins through urine.

  • Exercise, use the steam sauna or dry sauna. In short, make sure that you sweat every day. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and when we sweat not only, we help our body to regulate its temperature but we also help our body to eliminate toxins.

  • Get a good night's sleep. When we rest, our bodies heal.

  • Practice Yoga and Pranayama. Deep breathing techniques or Pranayama is one of the gentle ways to eliminate toxins from your airways and lungs.

  • There is always a nutritional gap between what our bodies need for optimal functioning and what we provide through our diet. High-quality supplements help us to reduce the nutritional gap. Invest in your health by supplementing your diet with high-quality supplements. Everybody is unique and so are the needs. Click here to schedule a supplement analysis session so that you can identify needs for your body.

  • At the same time, it is important that we limit the intake of toxins while we are trying to eliminate toxins from our body. Hence limit intake of processed food, salt, sugar, artificial sweeteners, food coloring and preservatives, flavor enhancers, alcohol, etc.

  • Switch to green products in your house as much as possible. Switch to more natural alternatives to your regular cleaning products which are loaded with chemicals.

  • Say no to smoking, tobacco use, and substance abuse.

  • Invest in a good quality water purification system as drinking water is filled with contaminants and chemical pollutants. Click here to schedule a free water quality evaluation session.

  • While we are eliminating toxins from our body it is also important to work towards eliminating toxins from our mind and environment so that we can reduce mental stress. Hence refrain from watching news/ television/ movies first thing in the morning or right before bedtime.

  • Start your day right with a morning meditation.

  • Find ways to express gratitude for things you have, experiences in life, for people around you, and your loved ones. A genuine feeling of gratitude leads to a happy and healthy heart.

  • Develop a sleep routine to facilitate a great sleep. A well-rested body and mind can function well and also heal faster. Don’t use technology before at least 1 hour prior to bedtime. Avoid eating at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Avoid caffeine or any mental stimulants before bedtime. Wind down before sleep by turning off the lights. Listen to calming relaxing music. Manage stress well.

  • Last but not the least, Laugh a lot. Laughter is the best medicine. Have fun, learn to live in the moment, and have a light heart.

    Let’s join hands for a better future.

    Feel free Contact me for more information.